21 Times Someone Was A Parking Master, Or A Parking Disaster

21 Times Someone Was A Parking Master, Or A Parking Disaster Great parking! ... Not you, you're terrible.

There's nothing more gratifying in this world than nailing a fantastic parking job, and there's nothing more infuriating than seeing someone pull of one of the absolute worst.

The following photos highlight parking masters, parking disasters, and even some parking jobs that defy categorization:

Okay, well clearly you closed your eyes when entering the parking lot.

Via Imgur

He's either a parking god, or a very fine bricklayer.

Via Reddit

It's important to know which way to aim your car.

Via Imgur

Well, unless you're a master, of course.

Via Imgur

Hmmm parking disaster, or hover truck?

Via Reddit

1) Terrible parking. 2) License plate says "swag." 3) Swag is spelled with a 4. Three strikes and you're out, you poor, poor human being.

Via Reddit

Sure, don't just park across three handicapped spaces; you should also rub it in further by showing off your active lifestyle.

Via Imgur

"How much room do I have over there?" Um, less than none.

Via Imgur

With these four spaces combined, you form Super Ultra Mega Douche-a-tron!

Via Imgur

Either brilliant at parking... or enjoys building houses around vehicles.

Via Reddit

Did no one read the instructions?


Not sure if disaster... or master.

Via Imgur

Equality is what this driver's all about.


Master parker laughs at your space... LAUGHS! BAH!


That's confidence.

Via Reddit

Dude, so many things wrong here.

Via Imgur

Parking brake unnecessary.

Via Reddit

Some people consume everything on Black Friday.

Via Reddit

Master of parking? Master of engineering? Who cares. Legend status.

Via Reddit

Hey, cars can't get spooked and run off. This is a master parking job.

Via Reddit

Wait, what?

Via Reddit

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