8 Ideas to Make Your Wedding Ridiculously Fun

8 Ideas to Make Your Wedding Ridiculously Fun From firedancers to choreographed dances, we saw many fun wedding ideas in our 2014 wedding videos. Here are the Top 8 suggestions to have fun at your wedding.

Turn Up the Heat

In 2015, why not combine firedancer instructors with your inebriated guests? What could go wrong?

Go on a Wild Ride!

Between camel and ostrich rides and the mechanical bull at the post-wedding party, ridden entertainment is definitely becoming a trend.

Parade Your Love

Why just have a recessional when you can have beach balls or a jazz band serenade at Mardi Gras?

Go All In

Late reception pool dips are a blast!

But Don't Back Out


Show Off a New Skill

Sandsurfing... after-party bowling in your wedding dress?

Like Your Rap Career

I've seen plenty of serenades at receptions, but this was the first rap from flower girls.

Choreograph an Epic Flash Mob

This is a great opportunity to have non-stressful fun practicing with the bridal party.

Most of all... have a lot of fun and get video of the whole thing!

Ariane Fisher writes at the WeddingMix blog about all things DIY wedding video. To get useful tips for turning those photos and videos from your wedding planning, big day and honeymoon into a fun memento, follow her blog.

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