
Desire 2015-01-27-ScreenShot20150127at9.38.12AM.png

Turn me on

With your sweet desire

To please - to appease

To admire, in this hour.

You want- I want.

With Our bodies near

The pulse of my woman

Rides your fluid hand.

It reaches. It touches.

It brushes. It rushes

Up from the toes

To the open flower

I'll call my soul.

Mates as we are

In another place

Or time. Even space.

Drawn together souls

Soul Lifetime Mates.

The yearn of the spin

That whirling twirling

Of my mind -my heart

As you dance behind me

Catching my breath

In the nape of my neck

That you tell me is mine

For you only --it's meant

That only you, know the scent

And you're full with me.

My womanly desire knows

As the mix master

you play me so well.

With your beat, your throb

I am your band, your instrument, the piece

You pick, pluck and strum

To the hmmmmm of my hum.

Your pleasure you say

Is to please, please and please.

Who could it be? Me.

Never before was that the gift.

But never before did I want to stay

Full, with you, and my woman

Slides, slopes and slithers deeper into

The wrapped, woven depths

Of endless summers, weeks and days.

Mostly... endless yous.

I hear your want.

I want your want.

I never knew.

I want to know.

That you loving you

Nudges me closer

To you wanting me

Me wanting you

Pulling me magnetically

As I'm so,

so very in-

Into you.

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