Mom Is Sick Today (A Poem)

Mom Is Sick Today (A Poem) Fever, headache, diarrhea

I'm too weak to run and play

You may not wanna hear this, kids

But Mom is sick today

I do not care about your snacks

Or that your poop is gray

All I want is peace and quiet

Because Mom is sick today

Finger paint your bed and toys

Leave every room in disarray

Tomorrow I'll be mad at you

But Mom's too sick today

Pull all the books off of the shelves

Use all my make-up and hair spray

Pee on the dog, I just don't care

Because Mom is sick today

Lock your brother in the closet

Make a diaper wipe bouquet

I just wanna lay in bed

Because Mom is sick today

Ask for anything you want

I'm nauseous and easy to sway

Next week I'll regret everything I said

But Mom is sick today

Enjoy this freedom while you can

I feel like death, please go away

I wish I had a TV nanny

Because, man, I'm sick today

You can find more from Toni Hammer at Is It Bedtime Yet, on Facebook, and on Twitter.

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