Teen Is 'Freaking Out!' After Learning He's Going To The Super Bowl Thanks To Make-A-Wish

Teen Is 'Freaking Out!' After Learning He's Going To The Super Bowl Thanks To Make-A-Wish Teen Seahawks fan Daniel Duncan got news that just about every Seattle football fan would love to get -- he's going to the Super Bowl.

To add to the surprise, arranged by Make-A-Wish, the message came from none other than Seattle Seahawks linebacker Bobby Wagner, one of Daniel's favorite players.

"Oh my God! I'm freaking out!" responded Daniel, a 13-year-old at Washington Middle School in Olympia, Washington.

That's pretty much what we'd say.

Daniel was originally supposed to attend next year's game, but a life-threatening condition that affects his eyesight spurred Make-A-Wish officials to get him to the Super Bowl this year, a foundation rep for the Alaska and Washington chapter told The Huffington Post. A local donor came through and now Daniel is ecstatically Super Bowl bound.

Daniel, his mother and aunt leave Friday for the game. Have an amazing time, Daniel!

H/T Pixable

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