It's Super Bowl XLIX Time! Here's What You Need To Know.

It's Super Bowl XLIX Time! Here's What You Need To Know. The day has finally come. It's officially Super Bowl time!

The New England Patriots face off against the Seattle Seahawks tonight at the University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Arizona. There's so much football to be had it's almost too much, but we're here to help you out.

Want to know when the game starts? We've got the answer! ('s 6:30pm Eastern Standard Time, but don't tell anyone we told you...)

If you aren't already planted in front of a big ol' TV, find out how you can watch the game online by clicking here.

You can find the latest score for the game by clicking here.

Not sure who to keep your eye on tonight? Then check out this essential list of the most important players in the Super Bowl.

Don't even care about the game? We saved you a bunch of time and put together a list of all the Super Bowl commercials you'll want to see. You don't even need to move. Seriously, stay right there!

And keep checking back here HuffPost for all the latest 2015 Super Bowl news.

Enjoy the game... and the deep-fried triple chocolate buffalo jalapeño cheesy bread flavored chili dip.

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