Local Solutions: This Week in Daily Giving

Local Solutions: This Week in Daily Giving Two years ago, The Pollination Project started a daily giving practice, making daily $1000 grants to social change visionaries around the world. Since we started, 50 individuals and families have joined us, each giving $1 or more a day to support grantees in 55 countries. Here are the extraordinary people we supported this week.

2015-02-24-16497092061_0004b142f1_z.jpg Offering Education Across the Class Divide in Nepal. Michelle Welsch is tackling the class-divide and helping communities to grow in Nepal by addressing access to education in her newest project, The Learning House. In Nepal, access to education is largely limited to families with financial means. However, Michelle hopes to offer free educational services to youth in Pokhara. Michelle and a team of local educators and social workers, is currently constructing a community space and learning center that will entice Nepalese youth to pursue their education. Not only will the Learning House offer job and internship placement services, but it will also boast a trendy coffee and tea bar and a computer lounge for students and prospective job seekers.

Hope and Healing in Texas City, Texas. Demetria Krawczyk is determined to use her experience in being HIV+ to help others in similar situations. She and her husband Victor created Hope In Volumes ("HIV"), a non-profit based in Texas City, Texas to provide social support for people affected by HIV and AIDS. Demetria, Victor, and other members of Hope in Volumes are offering compassion-based support groups where participants can experience both personal and spiritual growth.

2015-02-24-16162856459_a022715aed_o.jpg Artistic Meditations on Post-War Uganda. Daniel Komakech works with United Youth Entertainment (UYE), a film organization based in Gulu Town, Uganda. They are using film to heal the wounds caused by the 20 year war that has impacted thousands of youth and their communities in northern Uganda. In Komakech's latest project (a film entitled A Girl from Lamwo ), he explores the latent tensions over modernization and nation-building within a healing, post-war Ugandan society. They hope A Girl from Lamwo will inspire youth and their communities to reflect on major social issues in post-war Uganda such as HIV/AIDS, domestic violence, early pregnancy, and school dropout rates.

Economic Empowerment in Jinga, Uganda. Colleen Walsh Lang began working in Jinga, Uganda as a student volunteer for St. Francis Health Care Services where she met James Ibanda. James has already been instrumental in launching the Kabale Farmer's Association, a group of 20 HIV positive individuals working together to live positively and improve their livelihoods. Their goal is to start a local ginger farm to provide income and livelihood for Association members. Together, by encouraging economic growth and community building they hope to empower people living with HIV in Uganda so that they can live happy and healthy lives.

2015-02-24-16249630650_4dc17d44e1_o1.jpg Art and Healing in Tanzania. Frances Morris is an art therapist with a focus in community-based therapy and hospice care. A long-time committed advocate of health and wellness for the marginalized, Frances' latest venture is the Art Club for Tanzanian Teens with HIV in Moshi, Tanzania. Through this project, Frances is integrating therapeutic and artistic techniques in order to help young Tanzanians cope with the social, psychological, and physical aspects of living with HIV. The art club is currently painting a large mural at the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center (KCMC), and Frances has even procured a studio space for monthly workshops at the hospital. Her ultimate goal for the project is to fashion self-sustaining monthly meetings, run by locals, and driven by the needs and interests of patients.

Bamboo and Community Growth in Kenya. As a social entrepreneur and community mobilizer, Felisters Lidonde has been looking to create environmentally sound solutions to a wide range of issues faced in her native region of Kenya. In her current project, Felisters is mobilizing local communities to plant a previously uncultivated and valuable commodity with ecologically restorative potentials: bamboo. In addition to promoting a fast-growing and ecologically sound solution to a host of issues as diverse as soil degradation and access to clean water, Felister is combining her efforts with an extensive educational campaign on environmental conservation and awareness in rural communities.

Urban Gardening in Nicaragua. Judith Nichols has been living and working with the women and children of impoverished migrant families in Nicaragua for nearly a decade. Now, after years of research on the social and psychological effects of economic instability, Judith is starting the Urban Kitchen Gardens Project in La Paz Centro, Nicaragua. The Urban Kitchen Gardens Project is part community organizing, part self-sustainable living, with an emphasis on high-efficiency urban gardening techniques. The local team is currently building a community center in La Paz Centro where educators and agriculturalists can share their knowledge of gardening with the community in an effort to help them grow their own food.

Want to be part of the joy of giving? Join our Daily Giving Community, or simply create your own giving practice. It will change your life!

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