Spread Some Valentine's Day Love

Spread Some Valentine's Day Love Taking the "random acts of kindness" concept and applying it with a Valentine's Day twist is not only a wonderful way to delight someone else, but in the act of giving, you will be blessed by the joy of service. Here are some suggestions of ways to give on Valentine's Day.

Shower a place with love

Consider making a boatload of hearts and decorating a homeless shelter, a friend's house, a prison or a place that houses anyone who has been hurt. (Be sure to check on regulations for public spaces.)

Send valentines anonymously

Even if they arrive late, consider sending valentines, lovenotes, poems or some inspiring quotes to soldiers serving, residents of nursing homes, children in hospitals, homebound members of your church or temple, or just carry around pre-written cards to give to people you interact with (a doorman, building custodians, cabdriver, grocery store clerk..)

Share Some Sweetness

Many cities are seeing a surge in homeless populations and there are substantial needs for food, clothing, sanitary supplies and basic necessities, that must be addressed. In addition to donations (see below), on Valentine's Day I like to share some chocolate love. I buy a bag or two of individual chocolates and share with anyone who looks to be in need.

Express Your Gratitude

Has a co-worker gone the extra mile with a project? Do you have a friend that's always there for you? Have you wanted to reconnect with a distant family member?

Send a card, deliver a fancy cupcake, or just pick up the phone - reach out with some gratitude and affection. Bring treats to the lunchroom to share with everyone or buy flowers for the security guard who greets you every day. Give unexpectedly and unreservedly.

Donate - money, food, time, support

While many food banks are well-supported during the holiday season, the winter months can be lean. Consider making a donation of funds or items to a local or international organization that is worthy of your support.

Anonymous Actions

Shovel someone's driveway, put money in a parking meter, clean off a car parked near yours, pay the toll for the car behind you, buy an extra cup of coffee, buy a bouquet and give individual flowers to strangers on the street, or just hold the door for someone.

Love yourself

Love yourself this Valentine's Day. Whatever your relationship status, take the time to honor, celebrate and cherish who you are. Spend time in quiet with your soul-self, or go out and party; do what is true for you and shower yourself with love and kindness so that you can share with the world from the overflow.

We all know that Everybody wants to be loved....

Add your suggestions and keep the love flowing - Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours!

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