The Answer to World Peace Is Spiritual Practice

The Answer to World Peace Is Spiritual Practice

Living part of the time in a small village in the forest in India, with a very powerful temple next door isn't something usual. The experiences I have on a daily basis by doing my spiritual practice there are also not very common. They are more profound on all levels because of my environment and having access to rituals that help elevate the mind to higher consciousness and broader states of meditation.

Sahasra Chandi is one of these rare powerful gatherings that catapult our spiritual consciousness into levels previously unknown -- helping the mind to ascend to higher levels of awareness. The ceremony is a combination of using heat and sound, performed through fire rituals and chanting of sacred mantras that create vibrations very conducive to elevating into the inner chamber of the soul where the origin of true knowledge exists. (Atma)

For thousands of years sages have been doing these rituals (Yagnas) to induce a state of consciousness so subtle that man could go beyond his limited mind and break through the sheaths that stand between him and his creator. Holy men perform this ritual to help man open a door that is usually locked within himself and to enable the earth to purify herself from all the pollution she has to endure.

When I am sitting in front of the homam performing Yagnas my body becomes so light and my mind so still that I am seeing the outer world but looking with my inner spiritual eye. There are no words to describe this kind of experience except lightness, mindlessness and spiritual harmony. The result is a feeling of no self-interest, service to all and a view of life as the most natural and beautiful expression of God through this body. In other words fear is non-existent as we are no longer in thought.

When sitting in such an environment with 150 holy men chanting the sacred verses of the Vedas, repeating them continuously thousands of times over 10 days, the energy created goes through all the chakras of the body and arrives at the crown of the head (sahasrara), to the point our gaze turns inwards and a universe beyond our grasp becomes known to us. As the scent of all the sandalwood, ghee and herbal medicines burning together enters our body and the atmosphere around us, an intoxication of the mind takes place and a purification of the land, all the way out into the universe. The vibrations of the sound and smell continue around the globe, bringing with it cleansing and bountiful gifts of healing.

In doing this ritual we are creating positive energy to aid people in their hardships and suffering but to also make an unconscious mind awaken with joy, becoming aware and wanting to be of service to everyone and everything without exclusivity, conflict or limitation. We have the energy of God-Divinity and Higher Power within us but tapping into that energy needs spiritual practices and much discipline which most people can't commit to or don't have the training or Guru to do so.

The one thing that stands in the way of peace is our fears. No amount of talking will ever take our fears away. This can only happen through spiritual practice.

Sahasra Chandi performed as a world peace ritual gives everyone the opportunity to join in and be a part of something very powerful and conscious that will only benefit our families, children and all beings without exception. Making the world a more peaceful place begins on a personal and collective level. The more we get involved and support conscious campaigns, together with performing our own spiritual practice, we will keep moving forward closer to our goal of total world peace.

I hope you will join in and make inner and outer peace a priority in your life.

Much love

Yogi Cameron

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