7 Hidden Clutter Spots in Your Home and How to Fix Them

7 Hidden Clutter Spots in Your Home and How to Fix Them When it comes to cleaning and organizing your home, it's very easy to overlook some prime clutter spots. This happens often in closed areas where it's easy to just shove stuff in and close the door. As the saying goes, "Out of site, out of mind." But as we start tidying up, we realize there are massive piles of clutter we may have overlooked. Not to mention the fact that we may have lost things and now realize we need to find a place for them.

Here are some often overlooked clutter areas:

1. Entry Way

We're so used to this area being a dumping ground for coats, shoes, mail, kids' school papers and other everyday things. Because we're in and out, we may not realize when clutter begins piling up. Although we may have a system, it's very easy for this space to get cluttered in no time.

Coat Closets or Racks

If not cleared out regularly, these could get cluttered pretty fast. Change out seasonal coats, shoes and accessories. Donate anything that hasn't been used in a year.

Mail and Papers

Have a small recycling bin for junk mail nearby and placeholder for mail you need to go through. You could use vertical mail organizers or letter trays. You could also use an attractive ottoman with hidden storage for file folders that you can put mail into.

For your kids paperwork, make sure they have their own placeholder for art work, teacher's correspondence and their activities' calendar. Bulletin boards and paper organizers are ideal for this.

Everyday Items

Have placeholders, organizers and charging stations for these following items:

  • Keys

  • Wallets

  • Bags

  • Glasses

  • Mobile phones and tablets

Note that these are some of the often misplaced items that need a home.

2. Junk Drawers

This could be any drawer in the house, usually the kitchen that has odds and ends we just throw in. These include old batteries, old utensils, old pens, unused screws and nails from home projects, office supplies no longer in use, etc. If you're not in the habit of sorting things out, pileup can accumulate fast. Get in the habit of doing regular clear outs. One thing in means another thing goes out.

3. Food Storage


If you bulk shop frequently, this area can get crowded fast. Keep expiration dates in mind and toss out when necessary. Toss or donate any unused appliances or dishes. Organize like items with like items so things are easier to find.


Any food that's gone bad, uneaten leftovers from restaurants, or anything expired could get tossed out. Clear out regularly, preferably once a week the night before garbage pickup.

4. Medicine Cabinets and Toiletries Storage

It's very easy to forgot what medicines we have and don't have. Toss out anything expired or not in use. Organize like items with other like items, like toiletries, cosmetics, medicines. Use organizers to tidy up.

5. Kids Toy Bins

Sure your kids have their own rooms that need regular clear outs, but have you ever looked into their toy bins, or toy baskets where there are loads of stuff, half of which are probably unused? Are they still playing with them or have they out grown them? Have your child help decide what stays and what goes. You could donate to charity or regift outgrown toys.

6. Accessories Storage

On vanity mirror trays, perfume bottles can easily collect dust bunnies. Toss out old perfumes.

Sort jewelry in jewelry boxes or trays. Anything unworn can be resold, donated or re-gifted. Handbags and wallets that you use everyday could use a regular decluttering. Toss out loose tissues, unused toiletries, snack wrappers, old candy, anything not in use. For your wallet, you want to get rid of old metro cards, old rewards cards you no longer use, expired licenses, etc.

7. Under the Beds Storage

This is particularly if you live in a small space like a condo or apartment. The under bed area of bedrooms and guest rooms are often forgotten areas that may their share of dust bunnies. Be sure to clean out regularly and review what's in there, whether these be gift wrappers, magazine subscriptions, luggage, small gym equipment like handheld and ankle weights or out of season clothes.

Clearing these often overlooked spots will help your house be less decluttered in no time.

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