CollegeHumor Sketch Imagines What It'd Be Like If People Left Parties The Way They Leave Facebook

CollegeHumor Sketch Imagines What It'd Be Like If People Left Parties The Way They Leave Facebook What would it be like if people left real-life parties in the same obnoxious way they choose to announce their departure from Facebook?

As this CollegeHumor sketch shows, it’d be a nightmare, that’s what.

“Farewell my friends and casual acquaintances! Goodbye people-I-kind-of-knew from high school! If you ever share my epiphany in the future you may join me on the enlightened plain outside,” declares man-leaving-the-party.

Here’s a newsflash, people: No one -- we repeat, no one -- cares that you’re leaving Facebook. So leave quietly and graciously. We beg you, please.

H/T: Viral Viral Videos

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