It's Spring Cleaning Time--for Your Grill

It's Spring Cleaning Time--for Your Grill 2015-03-20-1426854071-6065231-wintergrilling2630x407.jpg

Spring officially arrives today (hard to believe after the winter much of the country has experienced), and with it the promise of grilling in your shirtsleeves, not in a parka. Which brings us to spring cleaning your grill--a good practice even if you've been grilling all winter. Last year I told you how to prep your charcoal grill or smoker for the grilling season. This time, the focus is on gas grills.

Here are some tips for tuning up and readying your grill:

  • Evict any spiders or other nesting critters and clear out the cobwebs or other debris from the manifolds, burner valves, connectors, etc. Compressed air (available canned if you don't own an air compressor) is an efficient way to do this. Empty and clean the grease trap or drip pan; replace any disposables, such as foil pans, if needed.

  • Use a commercial grill cleaner such as the one made by Green Earth Technologies or a product like Simple Green to clean the interior and any internal parts, such as baffles, flavorizer bars, etc. If your grill is polished stainless steel, use a commercial stainless steel cleaner on the exterior, or wipe it down with a soft cloth using a mixture of water, mild dish soap, and white vinegar. Replace ceramic briquettes as needed.

  • For safety's sake, ensure there are no leaks in your fuel delivery system. Inspect the hoses: They should not be crimped or brittle. The propane tank should not be bulging, rusted, or compromised in any way. (If it is, exchange it.) If you disconnected the tank for the winter, reconnect it. Make a leak detection solution by combining 2 tablespoons of liquid dish soap with 2 tablespoons of water. Leaving the burners in the "off" position, open the valve to the propane tank. If you smell gas, brush the leak detection solution on the hoses and couplings and look for bubbling. Replace any failed parts and repeat the test before lighting your grill. Note: This is rare, but it does happen.

  • Press the igniter button. If you do not hear a clicking noise or see a spark, change the battery by unscrewing the lock nut at the base of the button or behind the control panel. Most take an AA battery. I replace mine every season.

Get more essential spring cleaning tips and some spring grilling recipes at

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Steven Raichlen is the author of the Barbecue! Bible cookbook series and the host of Primal Grill on PBS. His web site is

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