As soon as we published that piece, we had you -- our dear readers -- sending in your experiences and tips from your own relationships and it got us thinking, Why don't we round a bunch of these awesome suggestions up and share them with everyone?
After all, when it comes to getting relationships right, we could probably all offer a bit of advice and what's more, we could all probably use a little advice too.
So, thanks to all of you tweeting at us using the hashtag #QueerLongLove, below you can find some of our favorite responses but be sure to check out the hashtag to see all of them.
Got some advice that we didn't share? Leave it in the comments section.
@huffpostgay You have to communicate. You have to talk about the hard stuff. It's not an option to hole up and be silent. #QueerLongLove
— Katie (@fromth3edge_) February 26, 2015
@huffpostgay look for someone who values the same things as you but also can teach you/show you new things and vice versa #queerlonglove
— Marc (@MarcEsposo) February 26, 2015
@huffpostgay Anna Madrigal in Tales of the City says "All of life is maintenance, dear" Tend it; feed it, it'll keep growing #queerlonglove
— David Wright (@BitGay) February 26, 2015
Going on 16 yrs. The secret? Love, communication, trust and laughter; lots of laughter. #QueerLongLove
— Ren (@RenBean) February 26, 2015
@huffpostgay Honesty-Talk about things that trouble/delight/drive you mad-All of it #QueerLongLove 5 yrs- I love her
— M (@ESL_teach) February 26, 2015
@huffpostgay 19 years together here. Our secrets to #QueerLongLove are to laugh every day, always respect each other and keep date nights!
— Rob (@CPCROB) February 26, 2015
@huffpostgay @huffpostgay friendship must be present first. Love grows out of friendship. Choose arguments wisely. Empathy.
— Jeff milligan (@milligan_jeff) February 26, 2015
#QueerLongLove Our 36 years = our vows. 1. No one will ever take her dolls & go home 2. 'WE' is more important than 'ME'
— Bonnie Aspen (@BonnieAspen) February 25, 2015
#queerlonglove - my partner & I fall asleep every night holding hands. No matter what, that's our thing. It's ended every fight b4 the am.
— Josh Robbins (@imstilljosh) February 26, 2015
It takes dedication and compromise to make a relationship last #QueerLongLove
— JT (@Jyaredo) February 26, 2015
listening->patience->compromise->support->split duties ->priority ->sex #QueerLongLove
— Sananda (@Sananda13) February 26, 2015
@huffpostgay start as friends first, honest open communication is key. #QueerLongLove
— Lisa Fritzinger (@LFritzinger) February 26, 2015
Talk, always talk. Speak your thoughts & feelings, listen to theirs. Know eachothers needs, wants, goals, beliefs, desires. #Queerlonglove
— Rachael Pike (@rachaelanne86) February 26, 2015
@huffpostgay loving yourself, putting yourself first, maintaining independence, using fights as tools to move forward #6years #QueerLongLove
— RIKIS (@shopRIKIS) February 26, 2015
@huffpostgay @OutNation deleting grindr #QueerLongLove
— Dan Holloway (@danholloway) February 26, 2015
@huffpostgay be with someone who loves like you do #QueerLongLove
— Zanth (@Zanth_) February 26, 2015
@huffpostgay A strong joint commitment to bringing about the Apocalypse #QueerLongLove
— Sam Handwich (@YAMSBADGER) February 26, 2015
@huffpostgay #QueerLongLove love, accept, and respect your partner's personal beliefs. Also, don't compete with each other.
— Devan and Laci (@ThatsSoLavan) February 26, 2015
@huffpostgay Life is hard. Don't make it more difficult by bickering about trivial things like money. Be gratuitous everyday.#QueerLongLove
— Dayna K. (@let_hate_die) February 25, 2015
@huffpostgay Foster hobbies and things you want to do alone, and things you want to do together #QueerLongLove
— Kelsie Brynn Jones (@kelsiedarko) February 25, 2015
@huffpostgay When you apologize, don't try to excuse yourself. It's 'I'm sorry' not 'I'm sorry, but' #QueerLongLove
— Kelsie Brynn Jones (@kelsiedarko) February 25, 2015
@huffpostgay you should be comfortable to talk about anything and everything! If not, how can you be honest with each other? #QueerLongLove
— Amy (@amyslittleweb) February 25, 2015
Making mine last by not talking about politics - #QueerLongLove
— Brendan Quinn (@Mighty_Quinner) February 25, 2015
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