Transvestites wrestle for place in Mexican lucha libre

Transvestites wrestle for place in Mexican lucha libre

Mexican exotic wrestlers Estrella Divina (Divine Star), Diva Salvaje (Wild Diva) and Demasiado (Too Much) fight at the Arena Coliseum during a wrestling evening, in Tultitlan, a suburb of Mexico City, on March 1, 2015 Their nicknames and gear are unusual for Mexico's very macho lucha libre circuit. On a recent night, they get ready to rumble in a makeshift pro wrestling arena -- a garage in Tultitlan, a dusty suburb of Mexico City. Although this category of lucha libre emerged in the 1970s with the pioneering wrestler "Ola Lila", exoticos are still fighting to be taken seriously inside and outside the ring of the popular Mexican sport. "Kilvan", one of the opponents of the Okama Power team, only has compliments for his ring rivals.

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