What Spock Taught Us About the Road to Fulfillment: Simplify

What Spock Taught Us About the Road to Fulfillment: Simplify Many people crave being everything to everyone. Online and in person, to comment, like, share and promote everything. Likeability hinges on our ability to be the best or most, exhausting us and detailing inadequacy as though our unique talents aren't gifts but restrictions. We're only as good as our best attributes.

What I admire about Leonard Nimoy is simply his simplicity. He was many things, but often seen only as his most famous character. His struggle to overcome this led him to write two autobiographies. The first detailed his difficulty being seen as more than one role. The second, I Am Spock, embraced the opportunity he received from playing the iconic character. Nimoy shared his insights through poetry and epigrams (somewhat of a Twitter celebrity in recent years), reminding us to enjoy what we love and live every day, as though it is our best (or last).

But the desire to do more, even when we're doing plenty, has killed our internal compass and inner happiness. This can be seen through Nimoy's life too.

We are much more than the things we do, the statuses we post and even the thoughts we think. But we assume our world will crumble if we don't go for, well, everything. Instead of nourishing our souls with the things we want, we try to own as much as possible, making it near impossible to live and truly, deeply feel this moment.

"After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting. It is not logical, but is often true." - Star Trek, season 2, episode 1 ("Amok Time," 1968)

Why do we focus on so many other things instead of what adds real value to our bodies, minds and souls on a deep, satisfying level?

A tough question. Nimoy once said, "The miracle is this: the more we share the more we have."

By giving the world our talents, we're naturally more fulfilled, more attuned to our destiny. By giving away our talents, we're fulfilled.

Simply put, if we want to be happy, we need to recover our values, our goals, and our purpose. We can create a valuable life in the small steps, with a step-by-step approach of eliminating and then replenishing.


Look at everything in our world (from an honest perspective) and ask:

1. Does this add real value to my life?

2. Does this make life easier?

3. Does this make life more beautiful?

Where there is simplicity, the above criteria are met. Life doesn't have to be hard to be valuable and beautiful. We're scared to believe it because we're told we have to work hard and push on. Fearful of letting go of those cultural norms, we clutter our minds with things, manifesting more and more throughout our homes and relationships too.

Ditch belonging, belief or business practices (anything) if it doesn't add value, ease or beauty to your life.


Nimoy's last Tweet before his death said, "A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP." For me, that means replenishing and nurturing the gifts you've kept.

More than anything, the man behind Spock proved happiness is not out there somewhere unidentifiable. It is inside all of us. While there were times in his life he struggled to see this message, he knew -- through life experience -- that we shouldn't strive to achieve and maintain perfection. Instead, we should cherish the best moments and nurture ourselves in a way that our souls could replenish.

Here are seven life areas we can improve:

• Career

• Finances

• Health and Fitness

• Relationships

• Fun and Recreation

• Personal Growth

• Environment

Each is interconnected to the next. When you make a change in one area, the others will be affected. Choosing short-term goals to fill each of these areas can provide a foundation for longer term goals and successes.

Naturally, it would be best to set goals for each individual area, including short- and long-term.

To make them real and actionable, schedule them.

Happiness doesn't come from information. If it did, we would all be happy. It comes from a personal choice, a commitment to the process and a dedication to continuing growth one step at a time.

Simplicity, unbeknownst to many, is a profoundly beautiful word.

Simplifying our lives, constantly decluttering our minds and hearts while nourishing the most intimate pieces we keep, can help all of us live our most fulfilling lives. So we can live long and prosper.

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