Jordan Hangs 11 After Lifting Ban On Executions

Jordan Hangs 11 After Lifting Ban On Executions AMMAN, Jordan (AP) — Jordan's Interior Ministry says the kingdom has hanged 11 people convicted of murder, the first executions to take place in the country in eight years.

The official Petra news agency quoted the ministry's spokesman Ziad al-Zuabi as saying the 11 men, who were convicted in 2005 and 2006, were executed early Sunday at a penitentiary in the country's south. He did not identify the convicts beyond saying they were Jordanians. Al-Zuabi also did not provide details about their crimes, saying only they had exhausted all the legal channels for appeal.

In 2006, Jordan stopped carrying out the death penalty but recently, several lawmakers have called for it to be reinstated to curb increase in crime.

Since then, 122 have been sentenced to death in Jordan, including militants convicted of terrorism.

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