The Leader in You: A Poem

The Leader in You: A Poem
You took a job at the local school

To teach those in your care;

You did not sign up to lead another

For that you would not dare.

Me? Lead? That's not my thing

I'm just here to teach;

But don't you see that difference making

Is well within your reach?

These little eyes are watching you

They catch your every act;

You model more than you'll ever know

And that is but a fact.

In every class you make the weather

The tone is yours to set;

How every child will be treated

And her many needs met.

The classroom is but one space

Where you have a chance to lead;

With your peers is another chance

To guide in word and deed.

How you act in the break room

At meetings and at drills;

Shows your responsibility and care

Not a battle of petty wills.

Parents are one more group

Who benefit from your style;

Show them how to help their kids

They'll thank you all the while.

You're a leader, dear teacher

Whether you chose to be or not;

Fortunate are all who learn from you

And bountiful is your lot.


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