10 Ways to Become a More Beautiful Person on the Outside and the Inside

10 Ways to Become a More Beautiful Person on the Outside and the Inside Most of us are attractive in some way. But are you ready to be "wildly" attractive?

We feel really good when we know we're attractive to others, especially the opposite sex (or, even the same sex). When we make a positive impression we feel it in our mind, heart and our soul. It feels good! Being attractive is a "turn-on" to those we love and those we seek to have a romantic relationship.

Of course, most of us go through periods where we feel unattractive, too. Sometimes, the hard part is figuring out how to feel more attractive, and once we do - how can we become motivated to do something about it.

Well...have I got good news for you! When the planet Jupiter passes through your first House the "gods of self-improvement and confidence" beckon your door. For one whole year Jupiter becomes your personal teacher and mentor smiling at you, urging you to be all you can be. He's your life coach, wearing a game hat, sweatshirt, a whistle in his mouth, ready to cheer you on to be an even better "you," than you currently are.

When Jupiter visits the first house of your horoscope, you're likely to feel optimistic and cheerful. Expect people to shake your hand and say, "He's a really great guy, I enjoyed meeting him," or "She has such a positive personality; it was really great talking with her." You'll be naturally attractive to people you meet. Over the entire year, it will be an opportune year for you to be out in the public meeting people, networking, socializing and making contacts. Will you be ready to put your best face forward?

The biggest benefit of Jupiter's influence is that it provides you the opportunity to improve your personality and appearance. You can become an even more beautiful person on the outside and especially on the inside. Here are the ways you can be more attractive to the sex you most want to appeal to:

1. Personality Improvement. You may have had an ex from your past say, "Grow up girl!" or "Dude, you've got some serious issues!" Jupiter's passage through your 1st House represents the beginning of a cycle of personal growth and maturity, when you're trying to discover who you are as an individual.

This is the time when you're finally ready to let go of immature attitudes that stem from your childhood and early environment that are no longer appropriate as an adult. On a personal level, you're expanding your world-view, becoming more mature and sophisticated about life in general. You're feeling confident in yourself, the impression you make on others, and eager to have new experiences that will help you grow as a person. That's muy attractive!

Enjoy a self-discovery workshop to aid your personal development. It's also a fortunate time to be in therapy, where you'll grow psychologically by resolving emotional issues working with a therapist. You'll no longer need to be a drama queen.

2. Improve your appearance. If you've been thinking of having some sort of cosmetic surgery, this is an excellent time to do. Think of the possibilities? You can finally get rid of that toupee, and no longer hear jokes like, "Is that a pet squirrel on your head?" Instead, this is a fortuitous time to get those hair transplants. Jupiter's beneficence makes this an ideal year to discover a unique building in your neighborhood you may be unfamiliar with? It's called: the gym. You have an exceptional opportunity to enhance your physical look, by improving yourself through an exercise program to lose weight. Go for it!

3. Be generous. When Jupiter is in the 1st house, you'll feel generous with yourself (and others). Even though you are no longer a kid anymore - this is when you'll give yourself permission to buy that new red Corvette you dreamed of having when you were a teenager. (You won't even care about those jealous people who think you're only compensating for "something"). You'll be generous with the people you have relationships with, thoughtfully buying them gifts. That is a very attractive quality, especially if they are expensive gifts.

4. Go to school, take a class, learn something new. Jupiter's transit through your 1st House gives you a wonderful opportunity to improve yourself educationally because you're drawn to wisdom and have a thirst for knowledge. In addition, you'll likely win the support of mentors and teachers. So, it's an excellent time to go back to school, take courses, or even seminars for higher learning, or to pursue an advanced degree. Having a higher intellect makes you even more attractive because there is always a shortage of smart men and women (especially ones that can quote PBS instead of Fox News).

5. Seek a promotion at work. It's a wonderful time to accomplish your goals by approaching powerful or influential people because they will be of huge assistance to you. They'll see you as being confident with natural leadership ability. You may be honored, receive recognition, or even prestige during this transit.

At work, this is a fortunate time to seek a pay raise or attempt to win a promotion at work. Being upwardly mobile is sexy! People find high-achieving people very attractive. This is when you make your big move from the mailroom to management or president to chairwoman-of-the board.

6. Enjoy creative writing. Jupiter's influence makes this year a wonderful time to write and publish what you've written. And who doesn't find an author attractive? But if you aren't ready to write like Ernest Hemingway, pen a card or a poem to someone you like. That's very attractive, too.

7. Take up yoga; begin a spiritual or religious activity. Jupiter's influence brings out your higher mind and spiritual self. Consider going on a meditative retreat to expand your consciousness where you can learn new truths about yourself (like the fact that you have been a "douche-bag" in your past three relationships. And that is definitely not attractive).

It's a great time to start yoga or go more often to your yoga class. You will be in a serious "down-dog" kinda a mood as people come to class and place their mat behind you (just to look at your butt). You are just that attractive.

8. Engage in some sort of political activity. If you have any political aspirations, Jupiter in the 1st house is a great time to run for office (even for the MENSA group you belong to). There is nothing more attractive then a powerful politician. Watch the last three seasons of "House of Cards" and channel your, Kevin Spacey, "I am the President," persona. And people will say, "Yes sir (or Yes ma'am). Will there be anything else? Or should I just have your limousine ready?" (A limo definitely makes you more attractive.)

9. Travel more. Travel somewhere - where you can become more worldly, and sophisticated; and in the process become a more interesting person. Take that trip to Machu Picchu. It will help you forget that embarrassing moment when you were trying to impress that hottie and said, "Isn't Machu Picchu that small town outside of Tucson?"

10. Laugh more. When Jupiter is in your 1st House, your spirits will rise and you'll feel like smiling more. Happy, laughing people are the most attractive people on the planet. That's what people, regardless of sex, will find most attractive about you.

Under this planetary influence you can improve yourself in all sorts of ways to make you an even more attractive person than you already are. Seize the day and take advantage of your good fortune!

Find out if Jupiter (or other transits) are transiting the 1st House of your Horoscope and affecting your attractiveness - by going to the to the Free Transit Calculator and entering your birth date. And, if you're curious to learn more about your personal Horoscope in 2015 and what it says about your love relationships, career, investments and health in: Order your customized Report: Your Horoscope & Future in 2015.

Read Larry Schwimmer's latest books, What the Hell is Going On in My Life? Using Your Birthdate to Find Answers About Relationships, Career, Money, Sex & Health;and How To Ask For A Raise Without Getting Fired - And 24 Other Techniques For Resolving Conflicts At Work & In Life; and Winning Your Next Promotion In One Year (Or Less!).

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Larry Schwimmer is president of Astrodecision.com, a San Francisco-based consulting company. The firm uses planetary cycles analysis to counsel individual and corporate clients on picking the "best dates" to make successful decisions of all types: personal, marketing, financial, and political. The firm currently advises a diverse client base that includes politicians, presidents of major corporations and an MLB baseball team. Schwimmer is an internationally known business consultant, life coach and astrologer (with a Fortune 500 M&A background). Visit his website: Astrodecision.com
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